
Learn, Upgrade and Evolve

I'm a Junior Software Engineer.

I like challenges and learning new things. I always think about codes and structures that are good to collaborate with.

I am currently working as an alternative military service.(4급). And I'm looking for a job with alternative military service.

These days, I'm thinking about how to improve personal work productivity and good documentation

React, Typescript, Next.js, SWR, MUI, Recoil, Zustand.

Chunneung IT

2021.12.27 ~ (Alternative Military Service)

Maintain beauty platform 어디서 했니, hospital receipt app 스마트자동접수. Develop hospital scheduler 스마트웹스케줄러. Those are all run on webview

While developing 어디서했니, The system was complicated because there were too many data fetching and state management was only context api. I introduced SWR and was successful in re-rendering and DX.

Also I migrated React(Javascript) back office web app to Nextjs(Typescript). I was able to think about the proper structure.

Now developing 스마트웹스케줄러 with next.js, typescript, recoil, swr.


2019.5.1 ~ 2020.10.1 (University project team)

I can learn basic react, firebase and how to collaborate with team. And I could see the importance of schedule management.

SungKyunKwan Univ.

2018.03 ~ (군휴학)

Algorithm, Data Structure, Introduce to Machine Learning, Network, System Programming, Programming Language ...


peronal project that provide dashboard about Dungeon Figher Online.

Now only Enchant system available. And more features will serve incrementally. Also I'm learning SEO.



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